Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Muslim Mistreatment of Women


One of my brothers saw fit to lecture me for being “Islamophobic” today. He didn’t appreciate it in the slightest when I told him that a phobia is an unreasoning fear, while my dislike and fear of Islam is caused by the fact that half a billion women are subjugated by Muslim men, and treated as lesser beings.  The ultimate goal of that attack was not to kill Jews — it was to force Israel to kill Muslim civilians, thereby reawakening the antisemitism that has lain mostly dormant in the West since the Holocaust.

It’s caused by the way Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe, by the rape gangs in England, by the slaves in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, by the abuses that continue to intensify for the women of Afghanistan, by the women in Iran who are raped, tortured, and murdered by their government for showing their hair in public, the little girls around the world whose genitals are mutilated and sewn almost shut in the name of purity, the honor killings, the women raped by their husbands, the little girls sold into rape and marriage at age 9, the little boys raped in Afghanistan, and by the horrendous, inhuman, monstrous act of deliberate brutality that was the 10/7 attack on Israel: an attack carried out for the sole purpose of provoking a response that would erode Israel’s support in the West.

There’s your “religion of peace” — a religion that hates so deeply that its adherents are willing, even eager, to sacrifice their own people, _their own children_, if it means that they can hurt their enemies even a little: a religion that teaches its followers to see women and non-believers as animals, as property, as theirs to kill or rape at will. 

There is nothing phobic about my disgust for Islam. It is a natural and irrepressible reaction to its misogynistic, abusive tenets and the horrendous behavior of so many of its followers. Western women who support Islam lack all common sense, as well as any sort of instinct for self-protection. 

I will not comment on the morality of supporting and promoting a religion that actively encourages its followers to keep slaves, abuse women, and rape children, because if that isn’t blindingly obvious to you already, I haven’t got a chance of getting through to you, and don’t care to waste my time — but you should know that you’re a terrible person, and that I hope you get the chance to personally experience life as a woman under Sharia law someday. 

The mass importation of millions of Muslim men into Europe has had direct and devastating consequences for European women. On New Year’s Eve in 2016, for example, dozens of women in German cities were surrounded by groups of Muslim men and sexually assaulted, some even raped. In Cologne alone, over a thousand men participated in coordinated and planned attacks on over 80 women and girls. Worse, Muslim offenders are consistently allowed to escape the legal consequences of their criminal behavior, so there is no reason for them not to reoffend.

This misogynistic, sexually violent culture is the inevitable result of teaching generations of fanatically religious men that women, not they themselves, are responsible for their sinful thoughts and actions.

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