Wednesday, November 8, 2023

NC State Auditor Not Auditing Self

NC State Auditor Beth Wood has been indicted on a new misdemeanor charge months after she pleaded guilty to hit-and-run.  The latest indictment follows an 8-month investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation into Wood's use of her government-issued vehicle.  The SBI found that Wood used the public vehicle to drive back and forth to hair appointments, dentist visits, spa outings and out-of-town shopping centers. The private use of public vehicles is a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Investigators said they had evidence Wood violated the law with her public vehicle between Jan. 2021 and Dec. 2022.  Her first court date on these charges is scheduled for Dec. 4, 2023.  Wood's possible misuse of her public vehicle came to light in Dec. 2022 when she was involved in a hit-and-run that totaled her vehicle. She later issued an apology for her actions and had her use of state-owned vehicles suspended.

Wood has announced that she will not run for re-election in 2024.

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