Wednesday, November 1, 2023

HHS Secretary Refers to Immigration System as Broken

Department of Homeland Security admitted that there were over 600,000 “gotaways” in the fiscal year 2023. Those are the people the border patrol saw but couldn’t or wouldn’t apprehend.  Mayorkas disclosed the number during a hearing on national security on Capitol Hill, in which he insisted the gotaways have been a problem at the border for “decades.”  “The phenomenon of gotaways is something that has been a challenge for the department of homeland security for decades,” the Biden-appointed secretary said. Astonishingly, he added: “In fact, it is a powerful example of a broken immigration system.”  Customs and Border Protection figures released since the financial year ended on Sept 30 showed 900,000 migrants had been allowed into the country legally along the southwest border under humanitarian parole, allowing them to pursue asylum applications.  

Of course, to Mayorkas "broken" may mean that the borders are not completely open to terrorists.

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