In the midst of WW1, the Hashemite King, Hussein bin Ali al-Hashimi became the leader of the Great Arab Revolt, a pan-Arab movement that opposed and wanted the downfall of the Ottoman Empire.
Raising an army of Arab nationalists from across the region including North Africa, he allied with the French and British to defeat the Ottoman Empire who had allied themselves with Germany. He sought to bring back the caliphate to merge the entire Middle East region under his rule. His son, Faisal, would join him in leading this uprising, but what his son wanted to create was something slightly different.
Faisal bin Hussein Bin Ali al-Hashimi was part of the Hashemite royal family and during and after Arab Revolt, he appointed himself and ruled as an unrecognized King of a new kingdom - The Arab Kingdom of Syria.
Amin al-Husseini like the Hashemite Faisal and Hussein wanted a Greater Syria. Their vision was for all of Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, southern Turkey, large parts of Iraq and half of Kuwait to constitute a single kingdom/caliphate with Damascus as its capital. This is exactly why so many wars have been fought in Syria. For them it is the heart of their caliphate.
Have you ever wondered why the “Palestinians” continuously attacked Israel and even before its independence, attacked the Jews, for literally centuries during Ottoman rule. And why they also attacked Jordan to overthrow the Royals in 1970, why they destroyed and caused chaos in Lebanon after being expelled out of Jordan, why they caused chaos in Syria for the past 60 years, why they helped Saddam Hussein attack and invade Kuwait in the late -980’s and early 90’s?
Everything has only ever been about the creation of Greater Syria. Amin al-Husseini even wrote this openly in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1921.
And interestingly, do you know what the Arab nationalists wanted to call Israel had they either been given all the land after the fall of the Ottoman Empire or been able to genocide the Jews and take it over?
They wanted to call it Syria Palaestina, the very name given to the land by the Roman Empire.
And do you know what Syria Palaestina was called before the Romans changed its name? It was called Judaea, which was larger than the current land of Israel, and incorporated Judea, Samaria, Idumea and Galilee.
And before it was called Judaea, it was called the Kingdom of Judah.
That’s right, the land was the kingdom of the Jewish people.
6. 7.
Now I’m sure many of you have seen the propagandists out in force trying to tell you that Israel’s aim is to reclaim “Greater Israel”, but that is simply an inversion of truth.
When the Balfour Declaration was first published, it didn’t just include what is now Israel. It included all of Israel and all of Transjordan. That’s right. The land earmarked for the Jewish nation was 5 times the size of what Israel is today. But the Arabs intentionally and deceitfully lobbied the European powers and the League of Nations (predecessor to the current United Nations), and were given the entire land of Transjordan. That means roughly 80% of the land was given to the Arabs who were never the rightful original owners of the land.
And if that wasn’t enough, to prevent the Jews from ever having any land at all, the Arabs led by Amin al-Husseini began a 14 year campaign of pogroms and massacres and riots and strikes against the Jewish communities in the land, killing many, burning their homes and synagogues and schools and businesses. Even women and children were burned alive. And ALL of this happened more than a decade before any Jewish paramilitary group ever got involved… before Stern, Irgun, Hagana. But yet the propagandists always conveniently forget to mention that. Funny heh?
Now before I go into what happened next, let me take a few steps back, by about a century or two just to add more context.
Modern political Zionism began in 1897, and Islamists and their supporters like to tell you that they have no issue with Jews, but only Zionists. But you see, Jews weren’t returning to or immigrating to the land because of Zionism in the 1890’s or the Balfour declaration in 1917. There were already thousands of Jews living in the land uninterrupted since the days of the Kingdom of Judah. That’s right, nonstop for well over two millennia. And Jews who had fled in the first and second centuries to other Middle Eastern countries or to Europe were constantly returning to the land throughout the past 1900 years. There were Jews coming back from Iraq, Lebanon (like my own family in the 1860’s), Yemen, Syria, Greece, Lithuania, Russia, Spain and elsewhere. A huge number came back from Lithuania in the 1600’s and 1700’s.
And whenever there were Jews living in the land over the past 1300 years, there were Arabs committing pogroms and slaughtering them.
In fact I wrote an entire thread on just a handful of cases which I attach below.
Now back to Amin al-Husseini, who after all the pogroms and riots and massacres against the Jews realized he was unable to genocide our people, and the British after years of doing nothing eventually got involved militarily to crush the Arab uprising, forcing al-Husseini to flee to Syria where he continued to mastermind the ultimate extermination of all the Jews. And one thing he did changed the course of Jewish history forever…
He allied himself and the Arabs with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler.
When World War Two erupted, the British invaded various countries in the Levant. The French controlled Syria, and a warrant for the arrest of al-Husseini was issued, so he fled to Iraq, where the original Arab nationalists I mentioned in the first two slides came from, Hussein and Faisal al-Hashimi.
When the British invaded Iraq, al-Husseini fled to Europe and ended up first in Italy where he spent most of his time with Mussolini and sharing his antisemitic ideology there, and then he went to Germany where he was the guest of Adolf Hitler.Now before I go into what happened next, let me take a few steps back, by about a century or two just to add more context.
Modern political Zionism began in 1897, and Islamists and their supporters like to tell you that they have no issue with Jews, but only Zionists. But you see, Jews weren’t returning to or immigrating to the land because of Zionism in the 1890’s or the Balfour declaration in 1917. There were already thousands of Jews living in the land uninterrupted since the days of the Kingdom of Judah. That’s right, nonstop for well over two millennia. And Jews who had fled in the first and second centuries to other Middle Eastern countries or to Europe were constantly returning to the land throughout the past 1900 years. There were Jews coming back from Iraq, Lebanon (like my own family in the 1860’s), Yemen, Syria, Greece, Lithuania, Russia, Spain and elsewhere. A huge number came back from Lithuania in the 1600’s and 1700’s.
And whenever there were Jews living in the land over the past 1300 years, there were Arabs committing pogroms and slaughtering them.
In fact I wrote an entire thread on just a handful of cases which I attach below.
10. Now aside from his alliance with the Nazis, al-Husseini formed entire Arab units to join the Nazi army. He also agreed with Hitler and pushed Hitler to help him exterminate the Jewish people once and for all, and not just in Europe, but back in the land that would eventually become the State of Israel.
Many Nazis moved to the land to help train and support the Arabs to wipe out the Jews. In Europe we all already know how it ended… with the Holocaust. But the Holocaust resulted in something al-Husseini didn’t quite expect… the mass migration of Jews who survived the Holocaust to the land of Israel.
Now it wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed either. Because interestingly, the British did everything possible to prevent the Jews from ever reaching the land. Ships were diverted and sent back filled with refugees and survivors. All borders were sealed and land crossings made difficult. But our people still managed to find their way there. And Jews began to move to the land from other countries in the Middle East too, such as from Iraq after one of the worst pogroms, the Farhud, where Iraqi Jews were violently persecuted and slaughtered in 1941. Nothing to do with “occupation” or “colonization” or an “open air prison”. It was just pure raw Jew hatred.
Then in 1947, the new UN published their Partition Plan which the Jews accepted, but again the Arabs rejected. They wanted all the land and did not want the Jews to have any. And so they waged the civil war against the Jewish people who were poorly armed and still suffering from the effects of the Holocaust. Only the Arabs didn’t expect what happened. Even though the Jewish people were under an arms embargo from both the British and the Americans, they turned the tide in April 1948, and a month later in May, the Jews declared the Independence of Israel.
And just a single day later, five enormous and well armed Arab armies waged a genocidal war against the fledgling Jewish state. We were vastly outnumbered and outarmed, and yet we still defeated the Arab armies, emphatically. In 1949, the first war of Independence was over.
But this, incredibly, was just the beginning of the story.
11. Following the war, from 1949 to 1967, Gaza was not occupied by Israel. In fact there were no conflicts whatsoever. Gaza was ruled by Egypt. And in those 18 years, there was not a single word or complaint about occupation or anything. And equally interesting, the Egyptians never gave the so-called Palestinians a state. As for Samaria and Judea, they were ruled by Jordan for 18 years and again no state was given. But the Jordanians burned down all the Jewish synagogues and destroyed our homes. They took Jerusalem as their own.
In the meantime, the Americans and Russians were in the height of the Cold War. After the Marshall plan of 1948 and the formation of NATO in 1949, the Soviets created their own pacts with the Warsaw Pact. Israel was seen as the perfect proxy war. Israel had been allied with America, so the soviets to counter America allied themselves and entrenched themselves with Iran and Syria. And since the Arabs of Gaza and what was referred to as the West Bank were always wanting to create Greater Syria, the Soviets helped Arafat to concoct a new strategy to antagonize Israel and therefore the US, and together they created the false narrative of Palestinians. Simultaneously, many former Nazis who fled Germany after the war moved to the Middle East, especially Egypt and Syria, where they helped the Assad family to come to power. And with their alliance with the Soviets, the Arabs continued to push for the destruction of Israel.
And then came the Six Day War. The Egyptians blockaded the Suez, expelled the UN peacekeepers, and began to prepare for a full scale genocidal attack on Israel. And again they did this with Syria and Jordan and other Arab states. But in a moment of genius, the Israelis sent their entire airforce in a preemptive strike on the Egyptians, wiping out almost their entire airforce, and then did the same to Jordan. The war was over in just 6 short days and we liberated Jerusalem, took over Gaza and the other regions, and took the Sinai.
In 1973, on Yom Kippur, the Soviet backed and armed Arab forces of Egypt and Syria led a third genocidal war against the little state of Israel. And for much of the war the Arabs were on top because they had the full support of the Soviets, but the Americans and NATO had refused to help or provide desperately needed support and arms to Israel.
And then, just as Israel looked to be defeated, the American President finally agreed and sent several planes filled with weapons to aid Israel. And with that, the tide turned quickly and Israel defeated all the Arab armies. And it would have been even more emphatic had the Soviets not pleaded with America to stop Israel and prevent the total obliteration of Egypt.
60 years later, the Arabs had their new made up narrative called the Palestinians, who still exist solely for the extermination of all the Jewish people, who are still supported by the now Russians and other Arab states, and who still want one single thing… the caliphate of Greater Syria with Damascus as its Capital and complete Arab rule.
Now one last interesting thing is this:
Part of Greater Syria is the entire southern region of modern Turkey. Erdogan is fully aware of this, and it’s exactly why now that the Islamic regime of Iran has been weakened and almost removed from Syria, Erdogan is making his own move to take it all.
So this war is far from over. And until all of Israel’s eternal enemies either stop wanting our destruction and stop trying to take OUR land (which is highly unlikely because war is what they are) OR our enemies are completely and entirely destroyed, this war will never end. This is our home. It’s our land. We don’t want anything more than our little Jewish state to live in peace with our Arab neighbors. But make no mistake. We will fight until the very end to defend our country and our people from extinction, whatever the cost, whatever the death toll on our enemies, and whether we have allies helping us or not. No other country or people have ever had to endure what we continue to endure, and the days of our enemies are numbered. We will fight to the death… Whatever that means for our enemies.
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