Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Group is diverse if almost all are the "right kind" of people

 From the NYTimes article entitled "The Top US Colleges with the Greatest Economic Diversity”  (Sept 7, 2023)

 For this updated version, we have measured economic diversity by analyzing the share of students receiving Pell Grants, which typically go to students from the bottom half of the income distribution. The list covers the 286 most-selective colleges in the country.” 

So by the NYTimes metric, Barea College with 94% Pell students is very diverse.  (The NYTimes misspelled the college.  As might be said, “well bless their little hearts.”)   

FYI:  Duke is 12% and UNC-CH is 21%.

Diversity has become such a buzz word that the author has fallen in to the trap of thinking of diversity as basically synonymous with good.  I think many would agree that providing educational opportunities to children from poorer families is good.  But a college consisting of primarily such students is not necessarily diverse.

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