Monday, June 12, 2023

Perhaps Math Should Be Taught in Math Classes

I am not confortable with either rightwing or leftwing media -- I don't necessarily trust and don't like the tone of either.  So I am a bit uncomfortable linking to a story that is now appearing only on rightwing sites.  I think in this case the failure for it to be reported elsewhere is however a sign of the left-leaning bias of most mainline media.

The video shows students' reaction to being required to watch a Pride video in a math class.  For me, the big issue is "why are they spending math time watching a video"?  There is absolutely no reason that a person's gender idenity or sexual preference should in any way affect their treatment in social interactions or in employment, education, housing....  And there is absolutely no reason to show a PRIDE video or any other video on non-math topics in a math class.Some of the questions about and opposition to parts of the LGQBT movement arises from such actions.    (I would guess that many math videos aren't worth the time either.) 

It may very well be that I would agree with most of what was shown/said in the video.  And I do believe in LGQBT rights.  But there are many other issues that are also iimportant for students.  Teachers might want students to support LGQBT rights and try to promote the cause.  But aren't other causes equallly or even more important to most students-- learning how to deal with stress and anger, not bullying, not using drugs, not using guns, not committing crimes,... ? 

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