Sunday, October 1, 2023

Minn — Murder Up 75%. Assault Up 55% Since 2018


The Minnesota Bureau of Crime and Apprehension (BCA) recently released its 2022 crime report. Headlines point to a small decrease in violent crime compared to 2021, but not by much. When you remove the civil unrest in 2020, crime today remains significantly higher than it was pre-pandemic. Since 2018, aggravated assault has surged by 55%, car theft by 66%, and murders by 75%.

Auto thefts this year are on track to be another record high. At the time of this writing, there are already 5,970 car thefts reported so far this year in Minneapolis alone. That’s almost one car theft taking place every hour, every day. We are already close to surpassing last year’s record of 6,138 car thefts, and we still have three months to go. It’s a shocking figure that should make every Minnesotan question the state of public safety in our cities. Equally troubling is the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) losing more officers than it can hire.

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