Monday, July 31, 2023

The Elite -- Protection for Me But None for Thee

Supreme Court Justice Sotameyer -- Gun Protection for Me But Not for Thee (July 20

Justice Sotameyer has government provided protection from agents with guns (and the justices of the Supreme Court should be protected).  But she does not believe that the Constitution provides individuals with the rights to own guns in order to protect themselves.  Only the important deserve such protection. 

Omidyar Supports Defund Police and Is Investing in a Private Security Firm

The billionaire founder of eBay has donated nearly $2 million to organizations that support defund the police - while also making a engaging with a private security startup dubbed  'Uber for bodyguards.' 

Omidyar Network gave $100,000 to Equity and Transformation, a local group that partnered with Movement for Black Lives to help 'defund police.' Two other organizations affiliated with the Omidyar Network, PolicyLink and Democracy Fund, received a substantial sum of $1.3 million, according to Independent journalist Lee Fang who uncovered these financial transactions.  This funding was allocated to support the creation of, an online platform utilized s advocates to defund or abolish police. 

The Movement for Black Lives recently expressed their stance on police defunding, stating unequivocally, 'When we say 'defund and abolish the police,' we mean exactly that.' These words reinforce the organization's commitment to their cause. 

Meanwhile, Omidyar has invested in start-ups that specialize in monetizing the growing demand for private security, according to Fang.  One of those investments is Bond, an app that provides licensed bodyguards instantly. The app is described as a way for customer to order a bodyguard as easily as takeout dinner, according to founder and former Special Forces for the Israeli Defense Forces Doron Kempel.  Bond, a personal security platform available for iOS and Android, allows users to hire their very own bodyguards to escort them to meetings, walk them home, or even get them safely from one bar to another during a wild night out.

Member of House of Representatives Opposes Fence At Border But Builds Fence At Her Home

Far left ‘squad’ member Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington State was a vocal opponent of Trump’s border wall, but apparently has a different attitude when it comes to her home.

She has spent over $45,000 on security at her home, including a fence, because of course she has.

It’s also important to note that she used campaign donations to do this.

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